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Contractors Plant

Specified Plant, Unspecified Plant, Hired-in Plant
This annually renewable and flexible product is designed for a variety of businesses, offering cover in respect of Own and Hired In Plant. The policy provides “all risks” protection for all types of plant and machinery.

With a policy wording tailored to the requirements of your customer and expert underwriters located throughout the country, RSA is a leading insurer for ‘plant all risks’ business. 

Own Plant cover may be selected as:

  • Blanket Plant Cover - Traditional blanket basis
  • Specified Plant - Itemised basis for smaller inventories.
  • Inventory Plus – For larger fleets of plant on a blanket description basis where the insured submits a list of all plant at quotation stage and each subsequent renewal.

For Own Plant less than a year old, the policyholder enjoys cover for the reinstatement of the item. If greater than one year old, the insured is covered for the value of the property at the time of the damage, or the cost of repair.

For Hired In Plant, cover is provided in respect of the policyholder’s liability under the terms of the hire agreement and can include negligent breakdown and continuing hire charges.

We offer a guaranteed level of service including:

  • Nominated telephone lines
  • Initial response to quotation enquiries within 24 hours
  • Policy documents to meet contract certain standards


Sweet Spot

Examples of where we have a particularly strong appetite, are actively targeting, and have been found to be at our most competitive.

Building/General Contractors
Plant Hire Contractors


Risks we would never write, or write only rarely forming a small part of a wider portfolio.

Forestry/Timber or Tunnelling Contractors
Hired In Plant in Isolation

Own Plant and/or Hired in Plant
Provides cover for loss or damage to Owned Contractors Plant and/or legal liability for loss or damage to Hired in Contractors Plant and continuing hiring charges.
Hiring Out of Plant
Cover for owned or hired in plant that is subsequently hired out to another user.
Own Surrounding Property and Goods Lifted
Cover for damage arising out of impact up to a limit of £10,000.
Immobilised Property
Recovery costs for immobilised plant and equipment up to a limit of £25,000.
Theft from Unattended Vehicles
Recovery costs for immobilised plant and equipment up to a limit of £25,000.
Inventory Plus
Designed for larger fleets of plant on a blanket description basis where the insured submits a list of all plant at quotation stage and renewal. This can result in a premium saving of up to a third.